Practice Areas
How could we help?
Our staff is ready to help you in any case or legal situation that you need. From VASAN LAW FIRM we offer our clients transparent solutions in the various practice areas.
We specialize in achieving an absolute understanding of the requirements that are presented to us, so we work to measure through creativity in legal services. In recent months we have experienced prolonged growth in areas of specialization, thanks to innovation and constant adaptation to the needs of the current market.
Civil law
We are specialists in everything related to Civil Law. We provide reliable advice and defenses.
Immigration Law
We adjust to the general immigration law of the country, providing immigration services of absolute confidentiality.
Labor Law
We provide a wide variety of services in labor matters, such as contract drafting and labor litigation.
Real estate law
Our Office works with legal services in the real estate area. We have a particular preparation in this specialty.
Criminal and Procedural Law
We have the most suitable staff to legally represent you. We are transparent and tenacious!
Commercial Law
We provide commercial law services for SMEs, companies, family businesses and individuals.
Family Law
We prepare and present petitions in front of the courts, applying the aspects of the laws that govern family relationships.
Among Other Areas
We also offer services related to other areas such as: Tax Law, Aviation Law, Sports Law, etc.
Let's get started with your case today
Call us: +1 (809) 685-1668

Civil law
Civil Law is that area that is related to the set of legal norms that make up the general private law. In summary, it can be said that it consists of the regulation (through a set of laws) of the rights and duties of people with respect to property, inheritance and contracts.
Immigration Law
Migration Law is one that deals with the rules and regulations related to international migration. At VASAN LAW FIRM we advise on applying for and obtaining visas, as well as on various immigration procedures. We have at our disposal a team of specialists with extensive experience in the field.

Labor Law
When we talk about Labor Law, we are basically referring to the set of rules that regulate the legal relations between employers and employees. In our Firm we efficiently advise our clients on regulatory aspects related to individual and collective work.
Real Estate Law
The essential content of Real Estate Law refers to the applied part of property rights, real estate contracts, urban and registration law. In our Law Office you can count on the most complete advice in the area.

Criminal and Procedural Law
This area of law in particular is the one that is related to all the legal norms of internal public law. Its essential objective is the regulation of criminal proceedings between individuals and the state.
Commercial Law
Commercial Law consists of a series of regulations that control the activities of merchants in their different operations. In the Dominican Republic, commerce is regulated by the commercial code of the Dominican Republic, which admits modifications, but not essential changes in its concepts.

Family Law
This specialty, known as Family Law, is the set of legal norms that regulate the issues that affect the members of the different families. In this area we specialize in offering the services of divorce processes, separation of assets, custody, among others.
Other Practice Areas
We also provide legal services in the following areas: Tax Law, Aviation Law, Sports Law, Credit Law, Administrative Law, Tax Law, Intellectual Property, etc.